Wednesday, July 16, 2014


            Hello everyone!  I have been absent from here for awhile due to all the stuff going on, like court, therapy, and such.  I figured I might as well come back and post a little more before I immerse myself back into... that.  Because of court,  I have had to do more homework and papers to show that I have been hard at work.  I am doing a paper on the third amendment.  I am actually quite shocked at what I am reading.

'Article the third... Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. '

I am shocked at how little of this is actually being upheld.  In Wallstreet, where people peacefully sat down in protest, people got pepper-sprayed and arrested.  That's only one of many examples.  So that's a no on peaceful assembly.
We have many laws respecting and protecting Christian churches.  In fact, a good portion of funds in Mississippi goes to the building of churches and 20 foot high crosses!  They could be using that money to fix the broken roads,  make new, less costly homes, make more crops, feed the starving, etc.!  But no.  It is being used to build crosses and churches.
The Freedom of Speech and Press is long gone.  We can't say what we want without being sued, we can't post what we want without being sued or reported or deleted!
Another thing about the Freedom Of Press.  Sadly, the govornment CONTROLS the press.  I have heard many things about what the government is doing that, surprisingly, no one has managed to hear about due to the fact they are keeping it out of the grasp of the press or keeping them silent.  For instance, now a woman can sit on the sidelines as a way of protest, be grabbed and bruised,  and SHE is the one hauled off to jail.  Yet no one says anything about HER getting hurt first.  It is completely kept in the quiet except for a select few sites that actually found it and posted it up.  This is the story.
We are not allowed to complain to the government about our grievances.  No.. I take that back.  We can, but it is pretty obvious that they aren't listening.  The only ones who are are the ones they send to quiet those who complain.

That's one of the most important of the Articles.  One that is ignored and tarnished alot as well.  So think about all of this before you tell others about how none of our rights are being violated.  It's truly sad.  To tell you the truth, this is just scraping the surface.  Just something to give you a little homework of your own, if you see fit to follow it up.