Wednesday, May 28, 2014

You Poor, Unfortunate Souls...

I have made a classic Disney song into a complete description of congress. of course, it is a remixed song. 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' from The Little Mermaid. This is the original song, so you can remember the rhythm: Poor Unfortunate Souls.

We admit that our rules in the past have been a bit bent...
they weren't kidding when they called us, well, a puppet government.
But you'll find that nowadays,
We've mended all our ways
Repented, seen the light, and made a switch. True? Yes.

And we fortunately know a bit about psychology...
it's a talent that we always have possessed
And here lately, please don't laugh
We use it on behalf
of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed...(pathetic)

Poor unfortunate souls
in pain, in need
this one longing for less taxes
this one wants to buy a house
and do we help them?
Yes, indeed....

Those poor unfortunate souls
So sad, so true
They come flocking to our building
crying, "Help us, congress, please!"
and we help them?
Yes, we do....

Now, it's happened once or twice...
someone couldn't pay the price...
and I'm afraid we had to rake'em across the coals.
Yes, we've had the odd complaints,
but on the whole we've been saints
 To those poor unfortunate souls!

 (Congress): so have we got a deal? (people): but if I move into the U.S.A., I'll never see my family again... (congress): But you'll have your advanced technology. Life's full of tough choices, Isn't it? Oh, and there is one more thing.  We haven't discussed the subject of payment. (people): but I don't have any-  (congress): I'm not asking much. Just a token, really.  A trifle.  What I want from you is... your freedom. (people): but without my freedom, how can I-  (congress): you'll have your games! Your online chats!  And we musn't forget the importance of idle idle chit chat while you work.

(singing again)
The workers here don't like a lot of political blabber.
They think a person who gossips is a bore.
Yes, in the U.S.A. it's quite preferred
for people not to say a word
Afterall, dear, what is idle prattle for?

Comon, they're not all that impressed with political conversation
Truly smart people avoid it when they can
But they enjoy the innocence
 from eachother's ignorance
It's he who holds his tongue that survives.

Comon, you poor unfortunate soul!
Go ahead! make your choice!
We are very busy people,
and we haven't got all day
It won't cost much
just your freedom!

You poor unfortunate soul!
It's sad, but true
If you want to enjoy the polluting vapors,
my friend, you'v got to pay the toll
Take a gulp and take breath
and go ahead and sign the papers!
(haha, now we've gottem boys!
The boss is on a roll!)

This poor unfortunate soul!

.... Dude..... not cool....

Hello viewers!  AnonyMouse speaking.  Today, boys and girls, we are going to talk about more stuff people don't know much about.

We all know the Navy, right?  Protecting us via sea.  This is going to be a short post, as I don't have a lot to talk about in this topic.  It's disturbing on its own.  As some of us know:  whales, dolphins, and most fish rely on hearing and sonar to communicate and find food.

Humans cause injury to these animals with man-made sounds, such as sonar by a submarine or ship, airguns used in oil exploration, and even sonar weapons.  This can cause injury and even death to these animals.  One year, the year where the most animals have ever washed ashore before, was the year the navy tested out a new sonar weapon.  The whales that washed ashore had bleeding in and around the brain, were leaking blood from the ears, and had bubbles on their organs.

There is no question that sonar injures and kills whales and dolphins.
– Joel Reynolds, NRDC senior attorney

What happens to whales is similar to divers getting 'the bends'.  The Bends is what happens when a diver suddenly goes from deep underwater to the surface.  The pressure change can be too much for the body to handle. Things to make you say 'Mother of god...'

The whales end up changing their dicing patterns too drastically for their bodies to handle.
"Even the Navy estimates that increased sonar training will significantly harm marine mammals more than 10 million times during the next five years off the U.S. coast alone."
From 2014, this year, to 2019, the Navy plans on doing even more  tests that they themselves said would likely kill hundreds of dolphins and whales.  They even admitted to it!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Garbage IS in the ocean, people. Just take a swim at your local beach.

Good morning everyone.  Today  I'm talking about a much broader topic than that of Byhalia High School.  This topic has been bothering me for quite awhile, actually.  Just how much trash is in the ocean.

Most people have done it atleast once.  Too tired to go to a trash can, so you just throw your bag or your can in the water.  Who will care anyway? Well, your not the only one who does that.  Millions, even billions, of people do that.  that can equal over billions of pieces of trash.  These accumulate over time, even if you only throw one in a year.

just how much is there out there? Almost everyone has heard of the big airplane search, right?  Looking for that airplane that went missing?  Well, one reason they've had such trouble is that they have constantly been mistaking enormous piles of trash in the ocean for the plane or pieces of the plane.  Now, the plane that went missing is a 777 plane.  From the information I've gathered, they can hold 314 to 451 passengers.  That must be a big plane.  Imagine how big of a pile of trash that must be to be mistaken for it.

There is actually, in the Pacific Ocean, a pile of trash so big that it is called Garbage Island.  It is roughly twice the size of Texas.  Some might even go so far as to say twice the size of the U.S.A. Garbage pieces , as this picture says, break down over time.  However, they remain plastics no matter how small they get while absorbing and extruding chemicals.  After awhile, they are small enough for fish to eat when they mistake it for zoo plankton.  Not much of an animal lover?  Well, those small fish are eaten by bigger fish, who then have the plastics chemicals.  Then bigger fish eat those.  Then we humans catch and eat those bigger fish.  Moral of the story?  We are poisoning ourselves.

Many garbage patches are invisible, though.  Isn't that a relief?  It shouldn't be.  The closer to invisibility it is, the more fish will eat it.  We have found a remarkable number of fish killed by trash in the ocean.  Even in my local park, we found a fish choked to death by trash.  So many people wont walk the extra few feet to a trash can.

Plastics now end up in our food and, really, anything that comes from the ocean.  I could never have imagined this as I grew up.  When I was little, I dreamed of being a Marine Biologist.  By the time I am old enough, will there even be enough marine life to study?

What many people don't know is that they can help this.  All they have to do is (say it with me) recycle.  Plastics, which wont break down in the ocean and float on endlessly until consumed by our own food, can be recycled and reused.  This would negate a large portion of the problem.  After awhile, the trash would wash ashore and we could clean it up from there.

Many people of course do not believe that this is real.  I wont go into it in this post, but the people of this world don't believe in a lot of the world's problems.  Corruptness in government, global warming, pollution, trash everywhere... unbelieved.  And yet... they believe in a invisible force that controls everything in the world.  I'm not trying to say that believing in a god or gods is bad, but...  Why not work on something a little closer to home?  We have PHYSICAL PROOF that there is trash.  just go boating in the pacific!  You will find trash!  Do you know how many icebergs have melted this year? Global warming!  Birds and fish have died in great numbers from air and water pollution.  As for government corruptness.... come on people.  They made being homeless illegal.  Enough said.

Don't think that since you are only one person that you can't help.  It's that mentality that has gotten us to this point.  No more ostrich syndrome!  This is all happening!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I thought i was quite healthy.

Alright, this one is only a small percent about the school Byhalia High.  My mother and I recently went to court for the truancy thing.  Now, everyone who lives with me is aware that I'm a night owl and have minor anxiety that comes from being bullied at almost every school I go to.  The court, however, decided that these were valid reasons to give me therapy.

Doesn't that make sense?  So we have to wait for a phone call from a therapist.  And they didn't even decide anything while we were in court.  it's all dependent on what the therapist ends up saying.  They also mainly want therapy for me to decide if I'm making all of this up.  But Byhalia High is renowned around here for being a bad school.

They had a black woman there who represented Byhalia High:  The woman at the front desk of the school who was always mean to, well, anyone. I don't mean to pull the race card as an excuse, but... Byhalia is renowned for being very race-centered.  The white children get called out and get worse punishments all the time.  The entire time I told the judge about my experience at Byhalia, the representative shook her head and talked about how much of a liar I was.

Not only that, but she was saying all this BEFORE I was even done speaking.  She said it everytime anything bad about the school came out of my mouth.  And the judge was buying it.  You'd think the judge would notice someone denying anything that a minor said if it was negative towards a bad school.  Everyone in the area knows Byhalia High and Middle school have bad bullying.

We also found another reason that I had so many missed days.  The school principal, the 'she's lying' woman from the front desk, and the teachers all said that it was okay for students to leave at lunch if they weren't feeling well and that it wouldn't count against them.  We found out that they counted every single time against us, because the legal time was 1 p.m. to be checked out. 

There are usually swarms of students leaving at lunch.  That's a lot of students to be lying to.  So, to cut a long story short and end my semi-rant, we got a continuance and a summons for therapy.  Which I don't understand, as the only reason we have so many days is because of the school.

Thanks for reading, and goodnight everyone!


Sorry, the few viewers that I have.  I had an issue with my computer and I wasn't able to access my blog this entire time.  I was having a bit of a fit, but im good now.  the relief im feeling is indescribable =_=... anyway, i'll be posting as usual. thanks, and have a nice day!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Just a brief note...

Written by AnonyMouse

I realize that most people are rather unfamiliar with Byhalia School, since it's... you know... in Byhalia.  As a new blogger, I figured it would be better that I covered issues closer to home before I expand to a wider variety.  I have invited who I believe to be a great blog writer, so hopefully we should have more than just me talking.

This is a short post, just saying that my blog wont just be about my school. That would get kind of old fast.  So, once I get settled into this whole blogging thing, we will have other topics to choose from. I'd like to thank Faith R Michaels for, as usual, pointing out some flaws in the mobile version.  We had those cleared up, and it should be alittle easier now.  Thank you, and goodbye :)!

Bullying in a school like Byhalia high/middle??? Never!

Written by AnonyMouse

Okie dokie, Good morning everyone.  I realize I do not have many, if any, viewers.  Oh well.  I may someday, so I will continue to say 'everyone'.  Anyway, I'm alittle off-topic here.  Todays topic is bullying in the school.

Now, I am aware that this is a problem every where nearly.  It is really bad here though.  Even the middle schoolers can be bitter enough to push each other to suicide.  It's rather sad, I'll admit.  Some of the names I have heard them use put most 'ghetto' actors to shame.  The high schoolers are similar, but atleast the middle schoolers are creative about it.  This is the kind of place where people have pulled knives out on others in the halls.

When you see a strand of weave in the hall, what do you think of?  Its a little strange for people to be leaving their fake hair behind them as they walk.  When we see it, Byhalia schoolers think of fights.  They pull out hair, bite, cut, and wont stop the fight until pulled apart.  I've been 'lucky' enough to find large amounts of weave in classroom floors before.

Not everyone here though will get into a fight with someone messing with them.  These people become one of the bullied.  Adrianna and I, Adrianna being my best friend, fit into this group.  I never saw what good fighting could do when my college future was on the line.  The bullying can get pretty bad here.  I've had rocks the size of a grown man's fist thrown at my leg before.  Adrianna has had stuff thrown at her as well.

The worst part of all is that most of us are bullied without ever having brought it on.  Most of my bullies were complete strangers.  I never even knew their names and they usually didn't know mine.  You can be bullied just for walking through the halls or anywhere in their sight.  You will be verbally bullied outside of school, but inside is where the worst of it happens.  When Adrianna's dog had been run over by the school bus, right in front of her eyes, they made fun of her the entire trip to school just because she was crying.

And once again, where are the teachers in this?  They do nothing.  The most they do is tell us to stop telling on so many people, or they simply tell the person 'Stop it.' and do nothing further.  Bullying was the main problem I had with that school, actually.  It drove me to depression for the longest time and had me glowering at the world.  I am deeply ashamed at my reactions now, though.  I don't think I was ever genuinely happy for long while in that school.  We would get bullied again if anyone ever saw us smile.

So, would you say Byhalia High has bullying? Pfft, never!  It might be an exaggeration, but I believe it is more likely described as having sadists.  I realize that they can only do as they were raised, but there have been reportings of suicides every now and then from the bullying.  I have also never once heard a bully be sorry for their actions.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Thank you for the consideration, system.

Written by AnonyMouse

Hello again!  This time, the topic isn't so much just about Byhalia High school, so much as the whole system.

My mother and I will be going to court soon.  Do you know why? Because I missed too many days.  We explained to the school why we did too.  My grandmother died and my Grandfather almost did as well. I also got very ill for a little while. In total, I had missed 13 days in one school year.

So, as a result, the sheriff showed up at our door looking for me, a 15 year old girl.  I woke my mother up and told her. The sheriff  gave us both separate papers with envelopes attached. They were a summons to court.

Now, I realize that this happens a lot.  However, we don't have a lot of money at the moment.  Not only that, but a few days had been tacked on to my missed school days from the days mom spent taking me out of the school.  When she had called about it, they said that the summons had already been sent and that they could not rescind it.  She wouldn't be charged, but she would still have to pay court fees.

Wait, did we hear that right?  She has to pay a painful amount of money because they messed up?  Yes. You heard that right.  Not only that, but she'll go to jail if she doesn't pay for their mistake.  What is the moral of the story here?  The system works to make the poor more poor, and the rich even richer.

So, there was this one teacher....

Written by AnonyMouse

Hello again! Phoenix Rising's FaithRMichaels has helped me to set up my first blog, and even my first post!  Thank you very much.

Now, we are continuing the 'analysis' of Byhalia High/Middle school. This post's topic is the treatment of the school's students.  This is a major concern for parents and even some students.

It is truly amazing some of the things you can hear teachers say to students or seeing how some of the students are treated.  For instance, some of us were not told we had to register once more for our Sophomore year. We were called out in 1st period and told we had to either go home or have our parents register us.  Now, this is quite the problem as most of our parents were either sleeping or working in the mornings.  Also, they never actually said which students had not registered.  We were told to sit down. Me and my friend sat where we usually do, on a bench by the fake indoor tree.  We were yelled at as if we were trying to spray paint the tree and told to sit at a table.

One thing I hear quite often in class is the ridiculing of students by teachers.  I have even heard teachers call their students 'stupid' or 'ugly'.  Many even say 'Your never going to graduate high school'.  No one has the right to say that to anyone.  Yet, when students tell the principal or the office, nothing is done.  I even get sneered at by some of my teachers for reading a book when I was done with my work.  Note I said 'when I was done with my work'.  I pulled out a book to read, and they would take it from me for the entire day.  I had to run to their class to reclaim it and hope I didn't miss the school bus.

When the students told the teachers that they were being bullied, which I will expand upon in another post, they were told to stop telling on people so much.  The teachers, put in the school system to educate and also to (as of late) prevent bullying, told us to stop telling on the bullying students so much.  What kind of message does this send the children?  This sort of response to cries for help creates a feeling of being unheard.  This makes the children, later in their lives, unwilling to speak of their hardships and troubles.

Some teachers have even been known to put down the students in major ways.  One teacher in particular, who I will not point fingers at, called his students ugly on a regular basis.  Whether he was joking or not, the students were almost always hurt and/or offended.

Now, not all of the problems with the teachers involved how mean they were to students.  It is also what they let go.  I have heard students call teachers names that would normally get someone slapped or reported.  Almost every teacher they did this to did nothing about it.  This continues the cycle. the cycle is this,  student causes problem --> teacher says stop --> teacher gives up --> student causes problems.  The students are not going to stop unless the teachers do something about it, like call their parents or write them up. Anything.  But I have seen students get away with calling teachers some of the worst things without even so much as getting in a little trouble.

Is this the example we want to set for out students?  That they can we ridiculed, that they are not heard, or/and that they can get away with anything?  That's the example set at this school.

That's all for this post.  But i'd like to let it be known that this is diverse blog.  It can be about government, secrets about whats going on, corruption, etc. , this is simply my first topic.

Where did the school money go?! Poof!

Written By AnonyMouse

Hello everyone.  I was a long time student of  Byhalia Middle/High school.  From the 3rd grade till the 10th, I went to what is among one of the worst schools in the state.  When mom had had enough, She put me in home school.  I'm posting this topic so that you can know more about what goes on inside this school.

One thing that you can tell is proof of a bad school is this.  Earlier this year, we were congratulated for going from a overall grade average of an F to a D.  In our Byhalia High and Middle school, the students are constantly told that we are not going good enough, yet they congratulate us for small victories that every other school has long since achieved. Byhalia High statistics

I'll probably be writing more than one post on this, since there are many issues, but for now I will focus on the most urgent.  Money.

Let me explain the school settings.  The floor is always filthy, covered in stains much like the walls.  The library roof has holes in it and leaks.  I even went in one day and was told I couldn't use the computers because I could be electrocuted.  Our books are falling apart.  Some are even missing the contents of them!  Yes, some of us have book bindings under our desk instead of the contents of the book.  Other books are missing half of it.  The reason this is such an issue is because, about 1-3 times a year the school spends roughly $3000 waxing the gym floor.

Allow me to clarify,  $3000 per wax.  The entire time we are there, we are told that the other problems with the school will be repaired. Yet they never are.  We even had the girl's bathroom inaccessible for days because they dragged their feet to repair it.

They charge the students surprising amounts of money for everything.  For example, it is (on average) $30 to go to prom alone and $45 to actually go with someone.  The Juniors and Seniors HAVE to pay their dues each year, which can go to about $200.  The link included in the second paragraph shows the poverty level in the area to be frighteningly high and yet we are hit with fees to do what should be given to us.

I myself was unable to do any extracurricular activities any year because I simply didn't have the money to pay their fees.  We are charged money for every class.  Lab fees, computer fees, book fees, etc. and if we are unable to pay it, we are normally unable to use it.  I say 'normally' because there are luckily some nice teachers there.  I will not say who, but some would anonymously pay some of my fees because we never had the money.

I was signed up for free lunch for many years, but I had to stop eating lunch there because they started charging me anyway.  I asked them why they charged us, but they said that I would have to take it up with the school.  This is the kind of school where you could wait months for a response.

That is the end of my post for now, but I hope enough people will read this that I will be able to post another about the school on a different subject, such as the teachers, students, classes, and many other topics I could write many different things about.