Friday, May 2, 2014

So, there was this one teacher....

Written by AnonyMouse

Hello again! Phoenix Rising's FaithRMichaels has helped me to set up my first blog, and even my first post!  Thank you very much.

Now, we are continuing the 'analysis' of Byhalia High/Middle school. This post's topic is the treatment of the school's students.  This is a major concern for parents and even some students.

It is truly amazing some of the things you can hear teachers say to students or seeing how some of the students are treated.  For instance, some of us were not told we had to register once more for our Sophomore year. We were called out in 1st period and told we had to either go home or have our parents register us.  Now, this is quite the problem as most of our parents were either sleeping or working in the mornings.  Also, they never actually said which students had not registered.  We were told to sit down. Me and my friend sat where we usually do, on a bench by the fake indoor tree.  We were yelled at as if we were trying to spray paint the tree and told to sit at a table.

One thing I hear quite often in class is the ridiculing of students by teachers.  I have even heard teachers call their students 'stupid' or 'ugly'.  Many even say 'Your never going to graduate high school'.  No one has the right to say that to anyone.  Yet, when students tell the principal or the office, nothing is done.  I even get sneered at by some of my teachers for reading a book when I was done with my work.  Note I said 'when I was done with my work'.  I pulled out a book to read, and they would take it from me for the entire day.  I had to run to their class to reclaim it and hope I didn't miss the school bus.

When the students told the teachers that they were being bullied, which I will expand upon in another post, they were told to stop telling on people so much.  The teachers, put in the school system to educate and also to (as of late) prevent bullying, told us to stop telling on the bullying students so much.  What kind of message does this send the children?  This sort of response to cries for help creates a feeling of being unheard.  This makes the children, later in their lives, unwilling to speak of their hardships and troubles.

Some teachers have even been known to put down the students in major ways.  One teacher in particular, who I will not point fingers at, called his students ugly on a regular basis.  Whether he was joking or not, the students were almost always hurt and/or offended.

Now, not all of the problems with the teachers involved how mean they were to students.  It is also what they let go.  I have heard students call teachers names that would normally get someone slapped or reported.  Almost every teacher they did this to did nothing about it.  This continues the cycle. the cycle is this,  student causes problem --> teacher says stop --> teacher gives up --> student causes problems.  The students are not going to stop unless the teachers do something about it, like call their parents or write them up. Anything.  But I have seen students get away with calling teachers some of the worst things without even so much as getting in a little trouble.

Is this the example we want to set for out students?  That they can we ridiculed, that they are not heard, or/and that they can get away with anything?  That's the example set at this school.

That's all for this post.  But i'd like to let it be known that this is diverse blog.  It can be about government, secrets about whats going on, corruption, etc. , this is simply my first topic.

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