Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bullying in a school like Byhalia high/middle??? Never!

Written by AnonyMouse

Okie dokie, Good morning everyone.  I realize I do not have many, if any, viewers.  Oh well.  I may someday, so I will continue to say 'everyone'.  Anyway, I'm alittle off-topic here.  Todays topic is bullying in the school.

Now, I am aware that this is a problem every where nearly.  It is really bad here though.  Even the middle schoolers can be bitter enough to push each other to suicide.  It's rather sad, I'll admit.  Some of the names I have heard them use put most 'ghetto' actors to shame.  The high schoolers are similar, but atleast the middle schoolers are creative about it.  This is the kind of place where people have pulled knives out on others in the halls.

When you see a strand of weave in the hall, what do you think of?  Its a little strange for people to be leaving their fake hair behind them as they walk.  When we see it, Byhalia schoolers think of fights.  They pull out hair, bite, cut, and wont stop the fight until pulled apart.  I've been 'lucky' enough to find large amounts of weave in classroom floors before.

Not everyone here though will get into a fight with someone messing with them.  These people become one of the bullied.  Adrianna and I, Adrianna being my best friend, fit into this group.  I never saw what good fighting could do when my college future was on the line.  The bullying can get pretty bad here.  I've had rocks the size of a grown man's fist thrown at my leg before.  Adrianna has had stuff thrown at her as well.

The worst part of all is that most of us are bullied without ever having brought it on.  Most of my bullies were complete strangers.  I never even knew their names and they usually didn't know mine.  You can be bullied just for walking through the halls or anywhere in their sight.  You will be verbally bullied outside of school, but inside is where the worst of it happens.  When Adrianna's dog had been run over by the school bus, right in front of her eyes, they made fun of her the entire trip to school just because she was crying.

And once again, where are the teachers in this?  They do nothing.  The most they do is tell us to stop telling on so many people, or they simply tell the person 'Stop it.' and do nothing further.  Bullying was the main problem I had with that school, actually.  It drove me to depression for the longest time and had me glowering at the world.  I am deeply ashamed at my reactions now, though.  I don't think I was ever genuinely happy for long while in that school.  We would get bullied again if anyone ever saw us smile.

So, would you say Byhalia High has bullying? Pfft, never!  It might be an exaggeration, but I believe it is more likely described as having sadists.  I realize that they can only do as they were raised, but there have been reportings of suicides every now and then from the bullying.  I have also never once heard a bully be sorry for their actions.

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